Sunday, 31 October 2010

Wichi's No-Facebook Tweeting and Blogging Philosophy

I don't have Facebook. I did delete my twitter and blog but have since created new accounts for both. New accounts, new philosophy on tweeting and blogging.

I like Twitter and blog because they provide a healthy platform of expression. They promote literacy and also an effective stress-reliever. Oh and the art of it, too! Trying to express your consciousness in just 140 characters is an art I'm enjoying more and more. I try not to use Twitlonger or similar services as they are an
insult to Twitter philosophy for me :) Furthermore,  for me the information shared on Twitter and blog are more useful than the information on Facebook. As for networking, well, if my Facebook friends are friends I know in real life, I'd prefer the traditional way of networking. I feel more connected meeting someone in person, on the phone, being sent text messages or even emails, rather than a few words on my comments page on Facebook. Some of the comments are even not appropriate and doesn't really show you care. Right?

And what, pray tell, is my new philosophy when writing a tweet or a blog post?

  1. First and foremost, the goal should be manfaat vs mudharat. More manfaat, less mudharat
  2. As pointless as a tweet may sound like, it should serve someone (more likely me) good rather than become something bad.
  3. Do not shame anyone, and most importantly do not shame yourself. I represent a whole family now, I must uphold my honour and that of my husband's. This is my obligation as a (Muslim) wife.
  4. As much as possible, your writing be useful for the reader Get just enough of it.. Too much of anything is never good for you :)

Back to Facebook, I did delete it because I've experienced some unpleasant things with it. Other people may think that's pretty ordinary for a Facebook user but to me it's uncomfortable. And unsafe. And generally I found more mudharat than manfaat on Facebook. Sure, there are always risks. But I'm not willing to take them anymore, it just proves to be not worth it at all now.

So I'm just gonna enjoy tweeting and blogging away, and don't look at me funny when you've found out I'm not on Facebook..

Wednesday, 27 October 2010


let's #prayforIndonesia, the current trending topic on Twitter.. to make as many people pray as possible

Lagi sedih. Kemaren di timeline Twitter banyak yang tweet tentang banjir di Jakarta. Trus jadi males mau balik ke Jakarta. Disini, sekarang, lagi enak2nya. Ibarat bulan madu deh.. hidup dibayarin dan ga usah kerja keras.. ga mikir pusing macet di jalan, ga mikir kerja keras buat nyari uang, cuaca menyenangkan tiap hari.. santai kaya di pantai deh pokoknya. Hehe. Nah kebayang balik ke Jakarta, udah musti adaptasi dengan lingkungan baru, juga dengan kehidupan baru sebagai keluarga yang mencari nafkah di Jakarta. Which isn't easy. Oh I know, karena sayapun lahir besar di Jakarta kaan? Hehe. Tapi Alhamdulillah sih, selama saya dibesarkan saya selalu (merasa) berkecukupan, jadi tidak pernah merasa kesusahan. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah.

Nah nanti kalo saya di Jakarta, ga mungkin bisa hidup sesantai disini. Suami pasti ba'da subuh harus langsung berangkat ke kantor, pulangnya juga sepertinya pas matahari udah tenggelam. Belum lagi dinas luarnya, saya sendirian deh.

Jadi saya nge-tweet dan sempet bilang juga ke Akang untuk tinggal disini aja. Balik dulu dua tahun (karena syarat beasiswa Ausaid penerimanya ga boleh stay di Aussie, harus minimal 2 tahun mengabdi di negara asalnya), baru abis itu ke Aussie lagi pas udah dapet kerjaan. Kalo udah PR, nanti mau sponsorin Mama biar bisa tinggal disini juga. Itu sih rencana mengawang2nya.. tapi setelah berita banjir itu, mulailah beterbaran berita tentang gempa Padang, tsunami Mentawai, sampai meletusnya Gunung Merapi...

Hwaa.. ga tegaaa!!!

Langsung guilty.. No no no no.. Indonesia, I will never leave you.. I guess I was always taught to love you, in my own way. I had always before believed in you, was always proud of you, always proud of the fact of my heritage that was linked to you (meskipun ada sedikit darah Cina dan Afrika juga sih hehe). I rose your flag for three years in high school, dedicated ceremonies for you on Mondays.. I kissed your flag while inaugurated as your ambassador in a mission to foster friendship and mutual understanding between Southeast Asian nations and Japan, I was even the one who sang your national anthem while raising your red-and-white flag in the rough seas between Philippines and Japan on a cruise ship called Nippon Maru. I was the one who had pledged my loyalty to you. The one who really took the meaning of the song Tanah Airku, especially the second verse*, that wherever I go, the more places I visit, the more I respect my country and that I just want to go back there.

All right then. 18 December 2010 I will fly back to you. Please accept me, I will do my best to do you proud as your citizen.

In the meantime, please let us pray for Indonesia.

*Tanah Airku (Ibu Soed)

Walaupun banyak negeri kujalani
yang mahsyur permai dikata orang 
tetapi kampung dan rumahku 
disanalah ku rasa senang.. 
Tanahku tak kulupakan
Engkau kubanggakan!

Monday, 25 October 2010

I have the best husband in the world

Judul post-nya lebay? Hehe, biarin. Saya mau mendokumentasikan cerita berikut, supaya nanti kalo saya mulai kesel2, atau ada perasaan ga enak sama suami (we've all been there girls, right??).. saya baca ini dan ingat bahwa suami saya adalah anugerah terindah dari Allah SWT... amin.

Beberapa hari ini suami saya bertindak lebih sweet and romantic dari biasanya. Daan.. saya yakin dia melakukannya tanpa bermaksud untuk jadi sweet and romantic, which makes it all the more sweet and romantic, aww.. hehe.

Here are the things that he did that made me HAVE to thank Allah (bersyukur) that I have him for a husband:

  • bangun pagi2, saya masih dengan rambut berantakan, bau iler, dll dsb... he looked at me and said, "Eneng cantik..."
  • tidak lama kemudian, selang sehari, dia memuji lagi dengan kata2 such as shalihah, telaten, pinter masak, pinter, baik hati, and much more.. haduuhhh... Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah amiiinnn...
  • beberapa hari terakhir yang sering cuci piring adalah dia, dan dia juga yang nyuci baju, jemur dll..
  • plus dia suka beresin dapur kalo saya habis masak.. krn saya biasanya suka kecapekan ga langsung diberesin dapurnya habis masak
  • ...bonusnya, dia malah jd sering masakin buat saya! meskipun cuma sebatas goreng sosis, telor ceplok, eh hari ini malah dia masak ikan loh.. ohh.. juaraaaa!!!
  • akhir2 ini saya suka sakit, lemes ga jelas.. akhirnya suka dimasakin dan dikasih makanan di kasur
  • dia jd sering banget sedekah senyum sama saya
  • dia ga pernah ngeluh klo saya ga bisa masak atau beres2 karena lg ga enak badan atau karena emang lagi ga terlalu mood (hihi) malah sama dia dikerjain sendiri aja
  • and much much more.. not for public consumption ;)
Intinya ya Wichi... bersyukurlah suamimu shaleh dan baik, InsyaAllah suami teladan.. aminn.. semoga saya bisa jadi istri shalihah, teladan, dan qurrata a'yun bagi Akang...

I ♥ you, honey...

A very happy and grateful Mrs Baktilugina

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Cooking Capers: Mie Ayam Jamur Pangsit

Kira2 dua hari yang lalu, si Eneng dan Akang ngidam mie ayam. Nge-google resep ada yang tampak gampang bikinnya, ada yang ribet. Jadi hari ini, setelah pergi keluar beli mie telor, saos tiram dan kulit pangsit, saya memutuskan untuk bikin mie ayam, mumpung kemaren masih ada sisa ayam rebus bekas soto ayam.

Resep yang dipake? Akhirnya saya memutuskan bikin sendiri, pake bahan2 yang kira2 saya tau bakal buat rasanya oke. Padahal ini ngasal loh. Ternyata jadinya enak, Alhamdulillah, beneran kaya mie ayam profesional, halah. Suami sampe merinding disko saking mantapnya.. hihi.. Alhamdulillah.

Jadi mau saya abadikan sebelum lupa resepnya.

Ini resepnya:

Paha ayam, rebus, ambil dagingnya dan potong dadu/suwir2
Kaldu ayam dari merebus ayam
Sawi hijau secukupnya, rebus hingga hampir matang
2 batang daun bawang
Kecap manis
100 ml saos tiram
5 sdm jamur kalengan
3 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
Kulit pangsit, direbus dan digoreng
Garam secukupnya
Merica secukupnya

Bumbu halus:
4 siung bawang putih
6 siung bawang merah
5 butir kemiri sangrai
1 sdt ketumbar
1 sdt jahe

1. Kuah mie: rebus kaldu ayam, masukkan daun bawang, tambahkan garam dan merica dan bila perlu penyedap rasa. Ambil kulit ayam dan lemak ayam dan letakkan di atas penggorengan bersama bawang putih cincang hingga keluar minyaknya (jika tidak keluar, celupkan kulit ayam ke dalam rebusan kaldu). Rebusnya jangan terlalu lama, jangan sampai daun bawang berubah warna.

2. Ayam: Tumis bumbu halus hingga harum, tambahkan ayam suwir dan jamur, tambahkan 2 sdm kecap manis, tambahkan garam secukupnya. Aduk dan masak hingga harum dan matang.

3. Rebus mie hingga matang.

4. Siapkan 1 sdt minyak, sedikit garam dan merica, sedikit kecap manis dan saos tiram ke dalam mangkuk. Masukkan mie yang telah direbus dan aduk merata. Tambahkan sawi hijau, pangsit goreng, ayam dan bawang goreng di atasnya.

5. Masukkan kuah mie dan pangsit rebus ke dalam mangkuk kecil. Mie ayam siap dihidangkan. :)

Sebenernya masih banyak yang bisa diperbaiki.. kalo pake kecap asin kayany lebih mantep rasanya, ga harus banyak2 pake garam. Terus si pangsit ini kulitnya aneh, susah matengnya pas digedein apinya eh gosong -_-" sama kalo dilihat secara seksama si sawinya juga kematangannya, jadi ga gitu crunchy2 gitu pas dimakan. Oiya kalo ga mau daun bawang dicampur di kuah, bisa dirajang dan ditaburi di atas ayam. Jadi kuahny bening gitu. Punya saya agak2 keruh hehe.

Overall menurut saya bikinnya termasuk mudah, ga cape.. so me likey!! :)

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Perjalanan ke Selatan: IKEA - Gold Coast - Tweed Heads (part 1)

Di awal bulan Oktober kemaren, Akang lagi semangat jalan2. Setelah seminggu sebelumnya mampir ke IKEA, dibulatkannya tekad untuk beli furniture dan barang2 buat di rumah lainnya... untuk rumah yang belum kita punya di Jakarta. Heuheu.. Jadinya, minggu depannya direncanakan ke IKEA lagi, kali ini harus prepare dengan shopping list dan juga harus nyewa mobil buat barang2nya, karena salah satu barang yang akan kita beli adalah.. jeng2... dining table dengan berat hampir 20kg! Haha niat yah.

Jadi Sabtu pagi2 kita udah buru2 naik bis ke tempat rental mobil (bangun kesiangan, padahal masih harus masak buat botram, jadinya cuman oseng2 nasi goreng aja yang sempet kebikin). Abis itu jalanlah kita ke IKEA, yang letaknya tidak di Brisbane tapi di kota tetangganya di Selatan yaitu Logan, dan sampailah kita sana tepat waktu, pas baru buka tokonya.

Sampe sana, tujuan pertama adalah restoran! Haha. Soalnya ga sempet sarapan, dan Akang udah pengen nyobain free bottomless coffee. Yap, kopi gratis sepuasnya untuk member IKEA. Menu sarapannya juga muraahh dan enak.. cuma $2.50 saja untuk breakfast dari telur orak-arik, baked beans, kentang hash brown, dan tomat. Akang, yang awalnya ragu kopi gratis sepuasnya pasti rasanya ga jelas, jadi puas setelah mencoba, "worth it ternyata" katanya. Oya, yang gratis sebanyak2nya ga cuman kopi, tapi termasuk teh, softdrink, hot chocolate.. kopinya juga dari mesin, bisa milih cappuccino, espresso, flat white atau black. Keren yah. *norak*

Perut kenyang, perburuan pun dimulai. Di IKEA kita pertama disuguhin showcase2 gitu, jadi model kamar2 beneran. Kalo ada yang disuka dicatat kodenya dan diambil kardusnya di lantai bawah. Pensil, kertas daftar belanjaan dan penggaris disediakan. Nah, ini yang bikin lama. Karena kita keliling2, mulai dari bagian living room, dining room, office, kitchen, bedroom.. dikasih liat ke kita semua, dan lucu2, apalagi harganya (murah maksudnya ^^). Tapi ini bagian serunyaa.. membayangkan punya rumah dengan setting furniture seperti itu. Seleranya pas buat saya yang emang suka agak minimalis tapi trendy. Hahah. Meja yang ditaksir Akang minggu lalu ternyata udah out of stock, jadi harus cari lagi yang baru.. eh malah dapet yang lebih keren. Meja makan extendable, jadi bisa disesuaikan untuk 6 - 10 kursi, bisa dibikin panjang ataupun pendek. Hihi. Pokonya kita keluar IKEA puas, beli segala macam dari meja, kursi, lampu, tatakan laptop, railing buat di dapur dan kamar mandi, tempat tisu toilet, sampe frame foto.. abis muraaahhh!! Kalo di Indonesia murah belum tentu kualitasnya bagus, dan yang pasti belanjanya ga se-menyenangkan di IKEA. Heheh.

Meja yang kita beli kurang lebih seperti ini, kalo nanti rumahnya kecil, bisa dipendekin jadi setengahnya :)

Setelah dari IKEA, sudah mendekati makan siang dan waktu Dzuhur. Kita memutuskan untuk terus jalan kearah Gold Coast, tepatnya mesjid Gold Coast. Berbekal buku peta dan GPS handphone, kita sampai di Gold Coast Mosque. Berhubung saya lagi berhalangan, saya nunggu di mobil sementara Akang shalat. Disana lumayan rame, ternyata lagi ada orang Malaysia yang nikah. Terus ada grup pencak silat, kemungkinan ini hiburannya.. tapi pencak silatnya bukan silat Malaysia, melainkan.. Cimande! Hahah. Dan yang ikutan ada bule2 kekar gitu lho. *bangga* Kita makan siang di dalam mobil di Gold Coast Mosque, lalu mulai jalan terus ke selatan.. ke arah Coollangatta dan Tweed Heads.

Mesjid Gold Coast, lumayan besar dibanding mesjid disekitar Brisbane yang pernah saya datangi


Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Hijabi Baby

Pada suatu hari, terjadilah pembicaraan sebagai berikut diantara pasangan newlywed yang berbahagia ini..

Eneng: Kang, Eneng udh cerita belom? Waktu itu Eneng sama Mama lagi di mobil di jalan pulang, trus ngeliat anak kecil digendong pake jilbab gitu. Trus Mama Eneng bilang: "Tuh, anak kamu nanti kayak gitu ya."
Akang: Hahaha.. Kenapa yah Mama teh? Ya gapapa sih dibiasain dari kecil, biar kalo udah gede ga risih makenya, ga buka tutup seenaknya.
Eneng: *manggut2*
Akang: Tapi Neng, nanti anak kita InsyaAllah ga bakal pake jilbab kok...
Eneng: ???
Akang: ....soalnya kan anaknya cowok.
Eneng: (-_-") *masih obsesi pengen punya anak cewek*
Akang: Kan kalo cowok ada yang jagain Eneng, trus adeknya cewek.. jadi kakak cowok bisa jagain ade ceweknya. *keukeuh pengen anak cowok*
Eneng: Iya deh sayang, sedikasihnya aja ya sama Alloh...
Eneng dan Akang: *berdoa dengan khusyuk masing2 dalam hati semoga cepet diberikan amanah itu*

Semoga berhasil...... *fingers crossed*

Monday, 18 October 2010

Wichi's Cooking Capers: Chuck Steak Roast

Dulu di blog yang lama ada bagian bernama Wichi's Cooking Capers yang mendokumentasikan petualangan Wichi di dapur, hehe. Sekarang sebagai ibu rumah tangga sayapun jadi harus memasuki dapur setiap hari. Waktu belum menikah, saya paling sering ke dapur pas tinggal di Australia sendirian.. karena mau makan ya harus masak, berhubung makanan susah didapat dan muahal. Setelah menikah, saya diboyong kembali oleh suami ke Australia dan harus masuk dapur.

Awalnya agak kaget juga harus masak tiap hari. Bukan apa2, capek bo. Rata2 saya menghabiskan waktu 2 jam untuk masak 2 jenis masakan yang terdiri dari lauk berupa daging2an dan sayuran. Itu belum termasuk waktu di dapur buat cuci piring, dan nyiapin sarapan atau bekal makan siang saya dan suami kalo suami ke kampus dan saya kerja. Apalagi awal2 mulai masak langsung puasa.. beuhh... tantangan banget dah masak sore2 pas lagi kritis2ny puasa, udah gitu ga bisa diicip2 lagi masakannya.. masih newbie kan feelingnya belum terasah dengan baik, ga ngerti takaran yang pas gimana. Akhirny suami suka nambahin bumbu lagi pas mau dimakan karena seringkali ga ada rasanya. Huehehehee..

Anyway, sekarang sih udah mendingan. Untuk mengatasi capek udah dibeliin bangku kecil di Ikea, jadi pas motong2 or ngulek2 bisa sambil duduk. Trus udah mengubah mindset jd setiap capek dipikirnya ini ibadah yang dapet pahala berlimpah dari Alloh, amiin. Trus mengatasi kekecewaan respon suami terhadap masakan, sekarang udah mulai kenal selera suami, udah tahu dia sukanya dan ga sukanya apa, dan kalopun ga suka, udah ga kecewa dan rewel lagi. Hehe. Dan emang udah terbiasa aja ya di dapur, meskipun ga enjoy 100% and I wouldn't say cooking is my passion.. yet.

Hari ini saya coba nggak masak masakan Indonesia, tapi masakan Barat. Hehe gaya. Gara2 beli chuck steak yang murah di butcher, tapi ga tau gimana cara masaknya. Biasanya kalo daging sama saya disemur atau dibikin kare. Kalo steak ya dibakar. Tapi chuck steak ini denger2 sangat alot, kalo dibakar pasti jadi tambah alot. Makanya nge-google dan ketemu resep bikin chuck steak yang gampang dan ga repot di sini.

Lumayan lah.. ini belum dikeluarin dari aluminium foilnya dan belum disajikan di atas piring.. nunggu nanti malam aja pas mau dinner. Sekarang udah ditutup lagi sama aluminium foil biar tetap hangat. Rasanya oke, meskipun kayanya nanti harus ditambah garam lagi, karena lidah suami Indonesia banget, garamnya harus berlebihh.. Kalo makanan Barat rata2 ga asin, gurih dan berbumbu kan. Overall, I am happy with this chuck steak roast. Yang penting ada rasanya, trus si dagingnya jadi empuk, dan sehat masaknya karena ga pake minyak!

Resepnya kurang lebih sama dengan yang disitus itu, tapi saya modifikasi ala Indonesia dikit:


1 kg chuck steak
2 bh wortel, potong kotak2
2 batang celery, iris2
1 bh kentang ukuran besar, potong kotak2
2 sdm mentega
paprika/cabe bubuk

bumbu halus:
1 bh bawang bombay
4 siung bawang putih
3 bh kemiri
lengkuas, ketumbar, garam ga ditakar, pake feeling aja :)

Cara masak:
1. Siapkan aluminium foil di atas baking pan, letakkan potongan steak diatas aluminium foil. Oleskan bumbu halus diatas daging.
2. Letakkan potongan sayur diatas daging, lalu percikkan mentega (kalo cair) atau sebarkan potongan mentega (kalo padat).
3. Taburi dengan garam dan paprika atau cabe bubuk.
4. Tutup dengan aluminium foil, bisa beberapa lapis yang penting kuat untuk menahan air keluar dari roast nya.
5. Masukkan ke dalam oven yang sudah dipanaskan dengan suhu 210 derajat celcius.
6. Panggang dalam oven selama 1,5 jam sampai empuk.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

The Scimitar and the Veil: Extraordinary Women of Islam

Author Heath, Jennifer.
Title The scimitar and the veil : extraordinary women of Islam / Jennifer Heath.
Publisher Mahwah, N.J. : Hidden Spring, c2004.
I. "Paradise lies at the feet of the mothers" : in the beginning : women of the prophetate -- II. "That does not come from you, but from her behind the curtain" : scholars of the Hadith -- III. "Be like wax and illumine the world. Be like a needle and work naked" : ascetics, saints, and mystics -- IV. "If you do not fall in battle, someone is saving you as a token of shame" : warriors and amazons -- V. "Drink from this cup, then be gracious to her who sent it by paying a visit after sunset" : rebels and concubines -- VI. "Listening stirs the heart to see god" : musicians and dancers -- VII. "We have left the account for the day of accountings" : rulers, regents, queen mothers, and philanthropists -- VIII. "To educate a woman is to educate the whole world ..." : tradeswomen and learned ladies -- IX. "Enjoy life! Who cares what people say?" : poets -- The five pillars of Islam.

The Scimitar and the Veil is a book written to introduce, and perhaps improve the perceptions of Western people on Muslim women. It accounts very comprehensively the history of famous or at least recorded Muslim women from the first woman to become a Muslim (Khadijah bint Khuwaylid RA) to queens, poets and tradeswomen of the 19th century.

So it is a very comprehensive book, around 465 pages.. and took me 2 months to finish reading it. And what do I think about it?

Well, the author has really gone to great lengths to research and write on these remarkable Muslim women. I became very engaged in the beginning, in the first section on the first Muslim women, those whose lives are personally touched by the physical presence of Prophet Muhammad SAW. How lucky they are to know him personally.. and to be loved by him! I've read before their stories, especially Prophet Muhammad SAW's wives or Ummul Mu'minin, such as Khadijah bint Khuwaylid RA and Aisyah bint Abu Bakr RA, but I was never able to really engage with it. I guess the stories or books I read were more of a historical account. What is different about this book is that it is (sometimes overly) romanticised. It actually portrayed the personal feelings of these women. Like how Khadijah RA dreamed of Muhammad SAW. It was told in this book that she went up to the roof of her house to get some air, then she watched a group of traders walked past and saw that Muhammad SAW was shining. It accounted, with dialogue, how anxious she was after she proposed to Muhammad SAW. And the part about Aisyah RA were also documented in such a way that I could actually feel what she was feeling and really could imagine what she is like. So it wasn't like reading a textbook (I used to feel this way when reading the previous books on Ummul Mu'minin).

Although, I'm sure a lot of people, particularly Muslim, would object that such great women are portrayed in this way. I mean who really knows for sure that Khadijah actually said or thought, or what the other Ummul Mu'minin thought in their hearts. So I think some of the dialogues are made up, just to spice up the story.. but I love it! I imagine too that those reading this book, especially women, would want a romantic story rather than a textbook-like account.

Other extraordinary women that were portrayed were scholars, warriors, queens, rulers, queen-mothers, tradeswomen, mystics, etc.. but mostly it really showed its "girl power" promise through the accounts of women warriors and rulers. I think the author is trying to say that "girls can really rawk" by going to war and even ruling a whole kingdom and be in power over men. Well, okay. I'm not really into this part. I don't like any accounts of war of violence, especially when women are involved. As for women leaders, well, surprisingly, I'm not into that either. I am totally into girl power, but I believe sometimes women and men have their place, naturally.

I'm not saying I oppose of women leaders and warriors. Just not interested. I am more interested in women who tend to their family more, and do it in piety of Allah and really happy doing it. Now that's girl power. ;)

I'm also not able to engage with chapters III, V and VI on saints/mystics, rebels/concubines and musicians/dancers respectively. Chapter III told about Muslim women ascetics or mystics, or in Islam we call them Sufi. Personally, I don't really approve of Sufism or those who submit to Islam in such a way they ignore other people or the environment around them. As if the only thing matters is their relationship to Allah SWT. Islam, in my view, is a very communal and social religion. That is why it is so comprehensive. So this chapter tells Muslim women, who, through their constant devotion in praying, crying, loving Allah SWT were able to perform miracles. Hmm.. really? I'm a bit skeptic on this.

The chapter on rebels and concubines also didn't appeal to me. Who likes the word "rebel" and "concubine" and have them associated with Muslim woman? Not me. Especially how they stated that Prophet Muhammad SAW had a concubine who was a Christian, Maria al-Qibtiyyah. If concubine here means it is a "secondary wife", then fine. But if it means a woman who is not legally married to him, but cohabits with him.. then I'm a bit concerned. The concubines that were portrayed here were those "residing in a harem and kept, as by a sultan, for sexual purposes". *sigh* Are men allowed to do this? And they are sultan, too! Those with high power. Isn't this zina? Although it is interesting to read about the politics going on in the harem with these concubines, I am a bit upset how it is connected to Islam with its strict sanction of zina. The next chapter on musicians and dancers also gave me a similar feeling with the previous chapter, as musicians and dancers are mostly associated with concubines who had these talents to be presented to please her master or sultan.

To be honest, the only chapter I thoroughly enjoyed was the first one. Towards the end it got boring for me, since it was too long and maybe I just got bored, so I started skipping pages, stories, and sometimes a whole chapter. The last chapter I didn't even bother to read. But I was able to read the part of how the person responsible for trades in Aceh and Gresik are women! I think that's the only time Southeast Asian women were mentioned. Which was sad, Cut Nyak Dien or RA Kartini should have had their places in this book. Most women portrayed originated from the Middle East, Africa or East Asia. Which got me thinking, if a similar book were to be written on Muslim women 20th century onwards..would Indonesia have gained more portion? After all, we are the largest Muslim country in the world...

Nevertheless, although there were some points I didn't agree on, I do agree this book is quite a treasure. Those wanting to learn about real Muslim women in history should read this book, especially women. Though I don't recommend it to men.. they might get boring reading the romanticised parts and may get the wrong ideas on the parts about concubines, polygamy, etc.

And I would just like to clarify some points that could be misleading Islam in this book:
1. Although in Islam polygamy is allowed, as stated in the Qur'an, but the conditions of it have to be met, i.e. the man is able to be just to his wives in all cases, the latter marriage is endorsed by the previous wife, etc.
2. Having concubines, meaning women not legally married to a man but can be involved in sexual relationships with them, are not allowed in Islam. This is called zina, and the sanction in the Qur'an is very severe. In fact, it is said one of the reasons polygamy can be allowed is to prevent committing the sin of zina.
3. The consumption of alcohol for drinks is prohibited in Islam. In this book the characters were described as drinking wine and even getting drunk. Prohibition of alcohol is debatable, though, some say that if it is in an amount that is not dangerous i.e. doesn't get the person drunk, then it is okay. As long as they don't get drunk. But for me, no alcoholic drinks (please note, it's drinks! not legal medicines) can go through my throat, thank you!
4. On the veil. From my readings, discussions, etc.. I have come to believe that the most important is the veil of the heart, rather than physical veil. But I do really recommend women to wear very decent clothes and not showing their body parts. For me, personally, that is a dignified woman who loves herself and most importantly loves Allah SWT. ;)

Wichi's verdict: unputdownable | read | skim | pass

Monday, 11 October 2010

(ending?) the honeymoon phase

In a week, I'll be married for three months. *plok plok plok* Alhamdulillah... But people say after three months, the "honeymoon phase" ends and we both enter the new reality of married life. One that is not all nice and sweet as in the honeymoon phase.

Honestly, thinking that things could fall worse is a scary thought. Well of course! I mean, we didn't take three months to have our bickerings now and then, mostly over simple things. Yup, my overdramatic self had to cry and wail in the last few weeks she has become a missus. :(

Fortunately, I am very blessed by Allah. He has shown me that everything has a meaning, every cloud has a silver lining. So I might be crying and wailing one day, but it always ended with a new dawning thought on what I should do to improve myself, what we should do to improve this family and take it to heaven..aminn.

So what does it feel to be married? When asked this question (and I've had plenty since the ijab qabul ^^) I would smile and reply "Alhamdulillah..." For sure, there are mixed feelings. I've come to realise that there are some pretty undesirable character traits that I own, and my husband, though soft and caring, sometimes do practice tough love when I'm being overly unbearable. Hehe. So me the drama queen often make big fuss out of small things and thinking I'm the most unfortunate person faced with the most unfortunate incident ever. If you know me well enough, you'll know that's the sort of person I am. (Bahasa Indonesia-nya: lebay! hehe) But my dear husband is trying to fix me on this, to get me grounded. And hey, wasn't that what I was always looking for?? Realising I'm too much of a dreamer, I had asked God to find me a man that can bring me down to earth so I could face life together with him forever and ever. And He gave me one :) But sometimes it's hard to give up the fairytale-princess world...

I think living together with the intensity that a married couple go through is impossible if not faced with some little problems. I mean, we're still adjusting to each other, especially when you haven't known him/her that long. So as big as the problem may sound at the time, when it's over, I don't really make a fuss about it because it's normal for me.

But overall... Subhanallah... being married is "gRRReat!!!" *scottish style* All the good stuff I've ever imagined being married is like actually happened to me. Alhamdulillah.. hihi.. My husband is a sweet, caring, responsible guy and I wouldn't want to trade him with another! Haha. Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah.. It is so true what the Prophet had said, marriage is fulfilling half of religion. I do feel more complete as a wife.

Our journey is long, and I'm sure not always filled with the sweet stuff.. but when there are rocks ahead, I know they are just reminders to lead us both back to the righteous path, to our original commitment to each other to what marriage is, and it's piety to our one and only God Allah subhanahuwata'ala and as a means to lead us to the heavenly afterlife..

But going back to the beginning, just before I end this post.. Will the Baktiluginas end their honeymoon phase?? Most likely not.. well, not until December anyway... In the meantime, we're enjoying our 5-month honeymoon in Brisbane, Australia.. courtesy of AusAid.^^v

...and don't forget, our first honeymoon in Bali is presented by the lovely girls of Gerombolan Siberat! :-*

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Mengumpulkan Amal Jariyah - teaching at TPA IISB

It's Wednesday and I am already preparing the lesson plan and finding resources for TPA IISB on Sunday. Since before I even came to Brisbane, I was already asked to teach these children. TPA stands for Taman Pendidikan Al Qur'an or Sunday School, like the one Christian children go to in church, Muslim children go to TPA in the mosque. Originally it is not always on Sunday, it can be anytime, not always weekly as well. Usually in Indonesia we go to TPA after school to learn religion. In Brisbane, under Indonesian Islamic Society of Brisbane, we service the Indonesian Muslim children to learn about Islam, because in school they don't have Islam as a subject (not like in Indonesia), unless they go to an Islamic school. But most children who go to TPA are children of students who don't go to Muslim schools but to a regular state school, or children of Indonesian workers or permanent residents who also don't get religious knowledge in school.

Aaanywaay.. I just want to share my experience teaching children at TPA. Now I'm not a children person. I can never feel comfortable around children, except probably when I get to have one. I don't get much exposure to little kids so I never know how to act around them :D So when at first I was asked to teach in the Kelas Balita (under 5's) I was a bit concerned.. luckily my husband -- who taught in the boys class -- suggested I teach English Class instead. With an IELTS score of 8.5 (pameer.. hehe) I think I can manage that!

Ternyata oh ternyata.. (loh ganti bahasa..) Di kelas Bahasa Inggris itu terdiri dari anak2 Indonesia yang sama sekali atau sangat sedikit sekali bisa Bahasa Indonesia, dan pengetahuan tentang Islam pun sangat minim karena mereka lahir dan besar, atau sebagian besar hidupnya dihabiskan di Australia dan orang tuanya pun jarang atau nggak pernah ngasih pengetahuan agama Islam ke mereka. Di English Class ada 12 orang, dengan range umur antara 6 sampai 15 tahun. Nah bingung kan gimana ngajarinnya. Tingkat pengetahuannya pun beda-beda. Ada yang udah bisa baca Al Qur'an sampai yang buta. Mau ngajarin pake metode ke anak kecil, yang gede ga nyambung. Mau diseriusin, yang kecilnya bingung dan ga merhatiin jadinya. Untung dibantu 2 guru lain, tapi mereka kemarin sempet liburan, dan saya sendiri ngajarnya. Megap.. megap.. deh.. Jadinya, saya harus mikir 7 keliling buat ngasih materi apa dan kayak gimana sebelum kelas berikutnya. Karena saya juga bukan guru, apalagi guru agama.. Dulu pernah ngajarin les itupun ogah2an (hehe maap ya Fitri..) karena bingung jelasin Kimia, Fisika dan Matematika.. trus mau ngajarin sepupu di rumah yang mau UAN juga yang ada dia bingung dijelasin sm gw yg bingung, hehe. Ternyata, saya lebih pede ngajarin alif-ba-ta-tsa dan Iqra, nyeritain tentang kisah nabi dan akhlak Muslim yang baik.. daripada ngajarin Kimia yang saya punya ijazahnya :p

Nah, minggu kemarin saya datang ke TPA. Disana sepi, padahal udah datang telat karena mampir ke Museum dulu. Udah mau ga dateng aja tuh awalnya, cape abis seharian jalan2 sampe negara bagian sebelah (New South Wales, di perbatasannya sih.. Tweed Heads), mana saya yang nyetir pula.. tapi namany juga ibadah.. niatnya ibadah, ngumpulin amal jariyah :) Udah punya feeling bakal sepi karena ada Pesta Rakyat (semacam perayaan 17 Agustusan, tp diundur karena kemarin pas puasa 17annya). Dan bener aja, sampe sana sepi, udah ada  beberapa anak yang pulang. Tapi salah satu guru tetep mau ngejalanin, dan nyuruh saya bimbing baca Iqra untuk salah satu anak perempuan kelas 2 SD, Vila. Ternyata anak ini enak diajak ngobrol, Bahasa Indonesianya bagus, Inggrisnya juga okeh. Jadi nyambung deh. Terus ada temennya dateng, si Farsya. Masih Prep (umur 5 tahunan), tapi udah Iqra 5. Sementara si Farsya saya bimbing baca Iqra, si Vila dikasih Word Search tentang Shalat yang udah saya siapin buat murid saya di English Class. Vila senang sekali, sampe berterimakasih sama saya dan mengerjakan word searchnya dengan giat. Hehe. Udah gitu saya kasih mereka worksheet tentang urutan shalat dan urutan wudhu. And they enjoyed it very much. Aduuh senang yaa kalo kaya gituu.. soalny murid saya di English Class tanpa ekspresi semua. Kalopun ada yang pinter, ngomong mulu, yang lainnya diem. -.-"

But, hopefully next time, I can make the lesson as enjoyable as last week.. meskipun saya ga dapet ngajar Vila dan Farsya lagi.. hiks.. they're such lovely and bright girls.. aduh... seneng deh...

Saya sangat terbantu dengan situs ini, Worksheets for Kids, yang menyediakan worksheet Arabic alphabet, karena besok materinya Arabic Writing, kisah Nabi Isa A.S. dan setor hapalan. Jadi dengan worksheet ini saya ga bikin mereka bosan, mudah2an... dan saya siapin dari sekarang biar bisa diprint gratis di kantor huwehehee..

Semoga saya bisa mengajar dengan baik... itung2 siap2 buat ngajarin anak sendiri... Amiinn..

TPA IISB 2010 performing at Halal Bi Halal September 2010