Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Raka 2 months old

Height: 57 cm
Weight: 6,6 kg
Health: sehat, masih ada bekas alergi di muka dan kepala, dan ada kerak kepala (cradle cap)


  • vokalisasi bertambah, alias bank suaranya mulai banyak isinya. Paling lucu pas dia menghela napas sambil kaya bilang "aduh!" haha
  • social smile has developed, alias bisa senyum karena senang, bukan karena ngeden :p
  • bisa ketawa dengan suara, sebelumnya cuma senyum manis aja
  • mulai ileran, dan udah bisa main iler dengan ditiup2 sampe berbusa mulutnya, hadeh
  • kepala sudah mulai kuat, mulai berani diberdiriin dan didudukin
  • kalo tengkurap sudah bisa mengangkat kepala dan badannya dikit (mini push-up) slama beberapa detik
  • kalo dibaringkan terlentang dengan posisi setengah duduk, sudah bisa mengangkat kepalanya
  • kalo diberdiriin, kakinya udah mulai kuat nahan badannya
Alhamdulillah di usia 2 bulan Raka sehat wal'afiat. Hanya mukanya aja yang sedikit bruntusan, sama di kepala juga ada, ditambah ada kerak kepala yang kaya ketombean gitu.

Kalo liat milestones Subhanallah banyak bgt yg dicapai si anak hebat ini. Liat di Babycenter skillsnya termasuk advanced lho. Alhamdulillah, ini anak memang istimewa :) Baru dua bulan umurnya, doyannya digendong posisi berdiri, dan sukanya posisi duduk dan berdiri padahal kepala masih oglek2 (apa sih istilahnya, masih jatoh2 gitu hehe). Mungkin malu sama berat kali yah, lha wong beratnya dah kaya anak 5 bulan (6 bulan kalo kata dokternya!). Mau ngga mau kepalanya dikuat2in deh sama dia.

Memang sama saya ini anak ga 'dibayiin'.. diikutin aja maunya. Mau berdiri, sok.. mau duduk, hayuu.. masukin tangan ke mulut, biarin aja asal bersih. Tidur aja ga diselimutin, bisa ditaro dimana aja.. Untungnya daya tahan tubuhnya kuat (thanks to ASI) jadi digitu2in ga ada keluhan apa2.

Sekarang 'bau tangan'-ny udah berkurang. Nah kan, there's a time when he'll grow out of it. Ga usah dipaksa atau ditega2in dibiarin nangis dikasur. Sekarang dengan sendirinya udah mulai bisa ditaro di kasur atau di stroller. Mamanya ga sepegel dulu. Ya mw gimana lagi berat juga kalo ngegendong terus. Pengertian yah Raka :') 

Dia juga pinter bener.. usia 1 bulan kemarin udah bisa tidur malam, ga harus digendong2 lagi tidurnya. Dia nyenyak tidur dari maghrib abis mimi sampai subuh baru melek. Manisnya, begitu subuh2 dia bangun, udah cerah ceria ketawa2 sendiri sampai pagi, padahal emaknya masih 5 watt.. tapi harus diajak main kalo nggak ngambek dia dicuekin. sweet huh?

Amazed, dan bersyukur sangat punya anak pinter, baik dan shaleh kayak gini (amiin). Semoga seterusnya tambah pinter, baik, shalih dan sehat terus ya Nak :*
my sexy boy abis imunisasi, posenya ga nahaan :D

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Rory's Story: The Circus

Once upon a time, that's how we begin this story
Of a young boy, his name is Rory
He lived with his family on the edge of the hills
Over the meadow full of blooming daffodils
One day Rory learnt there's a circus in town
He wanted to see it, especially the clowns
He asked his parents if he could go
But it was too far away, so they said "No!"
Rory was sad, but he thought of a way
He said to his parents he's out to play
He said he's playing with his best friend
Who lived nearby, just round the bend
He did go see his best friend Ben
But not to play in his house then
Instead they quietly got in the back
Of Ben's dad truck which were full of sacks
Ben's dad was going to town to sell corn
And off he went, honking his horn
Not knowing that there were two boys at the back
Cramped between his corn sacks
They finally stopped at the marketplace
The boys got off and ran like in a race
They entered the circus in its big red top
And saw the clowns, the lions and the bunny hop
Contented and happy they walked back
But the truck in the market was a sight they lack
Because Ben's had gone home before
When his corn was sold out, he left his store
They were confused, they let out a moan
For their houses were far, they couldn't go home alone
They sat slouched and crying, not knowing what to do
They were too far from home, and it was getting dark too
But they should be grateful as they were in luck
Driving back to the market was Ben's dad in his truck
He was back to get something he left in his store
He was surprised to see Ben and Rory by the door
Ben explained what they'd done to his dad
And naturally his dad got mad
Rory's dad became angry too
When he found out what his son was up to
"What you did was dangerous and bad,"
"You could be hurt!" said Rory's dad
So Rory was punished, it was his fate
To stay inside for two weeks straight
Rory pondered, alone in his room
He realised he was wrong amidst his gloom
He promised himself never to lie again
For it only caused misery and pain
Now it's clear, yes, he could see
That honesty is the best policy