Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Wish List

Nothing much to blog about.. actually there is plenty but too lazy to write when I have the time, but when I don't have the time the words just come out -_-

Anyway, we all love wishlists right.. riiight?? I think I'll have more chances of getting the things I want if I write them down. Of course, they're random and unsorted and may not even be really important (but some of them might be), but it always helps to have a record that you can go over once in a while to see which ones have you done and which ones haven't.

So enough yapping, I'll start my random and unsorted wish list ;)

  • Macbook (tiap ngeliat komputer putih dgn gambar apel selalu ngileer...), dan juga teman2nya such as iPad or I wouldn't mind an iPhone or iPod Touch, hehe
  • a (+) test pack result..please...
  • a nice house, with a decent-sized kitchen and bathroom, and a tiny garden.. and lots of sunlight pouring throughout the house
  • a Toyota Avanza (ga muluk2 dulu deh, hehe)
  • ..although I miss my (Mum's) Innova.. (kangen nyetir ini mah)
  • a dishwasher!!
  • a romantic getaway to Sunshine Coast, staying at a resort on the beach, just for one day ;)
  • ...or if possible, go to tropical North Queensland, see the Great Barrier Reef
  • ngajak Ade ke Great Barrier Reef
  • atau kasih hadiah kamera DSLR (aren't I a good sister?!?)
  • go to IKEA again and buy lots of stuff for our new house which we don't have yet (the house I mean, we don't have a house yet, well we do technically but it needs a lot of work done there)
Ah udah ngantuk ah.. dilanjutin entar2 ajah. Hehe.

FYI, I just downloaded IKEA's Home Planner and Google's SketchUp jadi mau mulai merancang2 rumah nih.. huahahaa.. padahal rumahny aja kaga tau kaya apa, ukuran2ny ga ada... but it'll be fun ;)
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Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Assalamu'alaikum.. :)

Wichi is blogging again ^_^

After 10 years of blogging.. then go on hiatus for around a year, I'm starting again.

Sebenernya I decided not to do personal blogging but instead a more grown-up style of blogging (maksudny, yang agak berat.. yang kira2 bisa berguna buat orang lain, gitu) so I started this blog a few months ago.

Dan alasan lain lagi, saat itu saya sudah punya (calon) suami, dan sekarang saya sudah punya sutami.. so I have a soulmate to share everything with, and I didn't have to share it with the rest of the world.. heheheheh..

Another reason, sometimes we get too carried away when telling our personal details.. Sometimes they get too personal, or they might be able to be used against us in the future. Call me paranoid... but it's better that I don't leave too many footprints in cyberspace.. because I already had done that in the past. So I quit Facebook, Friendster, Twitter.. although the latter I reactivated recenty, and I use my husband's account on Facebook.. supaya bisa "facebooking" padahal bukan pake account sendiri dan update yg diliat bukan temen sendiri.. tp kebanyakan kenal sih :)

So I also deleted my old blog here. Karena saya merasa itu bagian dari masa lalu saya yang orang lain tidak perlu tahu. Saya sekarang sudah orang yang berbeda. Sudah dewasa (26!), sudah tidak sekolah lagi (hehe), sudah jadi istri (Alhamdulillah) dan mudah2an jadi ibu juga (amiin...)

So I will need a new chapter in my book of life. And this is it.

Kali ini, tujuannya bukan hanya menumpahkan apapun yg ada dalam pikiran.. because I've learnt that not all can be told.. but some can be told and shared.. if in the end it is useful for both the writer and the reader. Jadi saya punya dorongan baru untuk ngeblog, dengan harapan blog ini dapat berguna.. tidak jadi tempat nyampah but a place to grow.. :)

Mudah2an dengan niat mulia ini mendapat ridho Allah subhanahu wata'ala (amin).. hehehe

Wichi the Wise ;)
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