Anyway, so yesterday I told Akang about the pain and the spotting. Akang said "Ya udah sms dr. Diah aja" and I replied "Gak enak lah orang gak pernah kesana lagi." But Akang insisted it's worth a try, nothing to lose lah. So he ended up being the one who sms her.. AND GOT AN INSTANT REPLY. "Istirahat aja dulu, kalau tidak berkurang sakitnya ke rumkit ya." Hwoaa!! How niiice of her... Even after that my husband replied by saying thank you, and she replied again "Sama2." :') So after that I called the hospital to make appointment that day but full (of course) but I can go the next day in the morning.
So off this morning before work I dropped by the hospital. There was a bit of drama before while driving there I called Akang and he said he won't accompany me because it's office hours. Namapun lagi hamil lebayness luar biasa ya, dan Akangpun berkata: "Emang nanti kenapa? Kan belum diperiksa udah berangan2 macem2" Which is true of him. Haha. Anyway, it turns out he did follow me later to the hospital, even though he was late and came just after I finished the USG.
After waiting for about 1 hour (the doctor was late), I was able to see her again. Hwoaa kangeen! Haha. Still the old usual jolly and kind self, except now she wears hijab (kan baru pulang haji ya.. Hamdalah semoga istiqamah ya Budok!). We went straight to the bed for the USG, she tried abdominal first but it didn't show so we had to do transvag. Alhamdulillah... she said everything's normal. No bleeding, the gestational sac is in good form, the fetus is starting to show. YA ALLAH ALHAMDULILLAAH.. Even though the gestational age is younger than expected. Based on LMP (19-12-12) should be about 8w, but based on size it's 7w3d. Since my menstrual cycle is irregular due to active breastfeeding so we go by the baby's size.
After that we discussed about the pregnancy, and I got a lot of information, new ones and refreshed ones (kata Budokter berkali2: "Ibu udah pada lupa ya.. baru juga 15 bulan yg lalu!"). Ya namanya hamil kan pelupa, Dok. Hehe. The most important ones:
- VBAC. According to her, the time requirement for VBAC is 18 months between the 1st and 2nd deliveries. Which means I qualify because it will be about 23-24 months between deliveries if all goes well. Yay!! But she warns that she cannot confirm just yet, the decision if I can VBAC can only be made closer to the delivery date, after she monitors things like: 1. ketebalan rahim, harus mencukupi, 2. ukuran bayi, tadi lupa nanya max. berapa kg, 3. semua2 harus normal intinya.
- Diet. If I want a VBAC, must be extra careful on what I eat so that the baby won't be too big, I won't get diabetes and other complications. So no donuts and cakes and after 3 months pregnant, no more white rice and say hello to beras merah. Intinya super duper dijaga makanannya. PR banget ini dr kemaren munching on rainbow cakes, Ch*tato abis 2 bungkus sendiri at one time, sempet makan mie instant, suka jajan di abang2, dan sederetan perilaku makan tak sehat lainnya. Hehe. Padahal hamil Raka strict loh dietnya. Tapi tetep ya anaknya bongsor gitu. Udah dari sononya kayaknya kali ya.
- Early contractions. So hamdalah it's proven that all iz well. She said if there's bleeding or contraction it would show on the USG, the gestational sac would be rugged line instead of a smooth line, indicating that it's surrounded by blood. But everything looks good and normal. If I ever feel the discomfort, I should just rest, and if it doesn't stop then I should go home from work and rest in bed. Then go to hospital if after bed rest, it still hurts. I should also drink a lot, since I pose at risk of urinary tract infection, so maybe the discomfort can be caused by that infection. Any kind of infection promotes the contractions, including UTI.
- No coitus until the discomfort stops alias libur dulu ya hubungan suami-istri.
- Breastfeeding is okay. Budokter said the oxytocin receptors in the uterus are not that many so it shouldn't create serious contractions even though we may feel some discomfort while breastfeeding. Intinya ya breastfeeding alone ga mungkin menyebabkan keguguran atau gimana ya, strong contractions are caused by many factors such as if I breastfeed Raka while having an infection or something. The point is: strong contraction --> multiple factors. Kata dokternya "Gapapa Bu, udah haknya sampai 2 tahun." Setelah gw curhat kalau gw gak siap banget harus nyapih dia, ihiks.
- Only folic acid supplement is needed for early pregnancy. Last time I was given this supplement which cost a lot and didn't say in the blister the contents. I googled it and found out that it was supplement for the 1st trimester containing folic acid and bla bla. Budokter said to stop that and consume Fol*vit instead that contained folic acid only. After 1-2 months then I can be given multivitamin and iron and calcium supplements.