Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Raka 2 months old

Height: 57 cm Weight: 6,6 kg Health: sehat, masih ada bekas alergi di muka dan kepala, dan ada kerak kepala (cradle cap) Milestones: vokalisasi bertambah, alias bank suaranya mulai banyak isinya. Paling lucu pas dia menghela napas sambil kaya bilang "aduh!" haha social smile has developed, alias bisa...

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Rory's Story: The Circus

Once upon a time, that's how we begin this story Of a young boy, his name is Rory He lived with his family on the edge of the hills Over the meadow full of blooming daffodils One day Rory learnt there's a circus in town He wanted to see it, especially the clowns He asked his parents if he could go But it was too far away, so they said "No!" Rory was sad, but he thought of a way He said to his parents...