In the last post, I mentioned how 2020 is gonna be waay different than previous years. That big changes are gonna happen. Well here we are halfway through 2020 aaanndd whoopdeedoooo... HELLO CORONAVIRUS!!!!The thought of always be indoors excited the introvert in me at first. But I forgot that I am also prone to anxiety. And so that anxiety kicked in... and it got me bad. Being cooped up indoors,...
Saturday, 11 July 2020
Wednesday, 4 March 2020
I can feel it already. 2020 is a year of changes. Like, big totally life-changing events are/will be going on.
Changes in career. In relationships. I. Mind and body. (Tapi jumlah anak kykny tetep sih #kutetepusahadanakangteteppuasberanakdua 😅)
Tapi awal tahun aku selalu optimis. Berhasil mengubah arah, bikin kebiasaan baru dll dsb... Lalu masuk tengah sampe akhir tahun it all comes spiralling down....
Sunday, 24 November 2019
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up - Marie Kondo (Pre Challenge 3 KIMI 2020)

Pre Challenge KIMI berikutnya adalah me-review buku, ada 3 judul yang jadi pilihan. Pilihanku jatuh pada buku The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up oleh Marie Kondo. Sebenarnya sebelumnya sedang membaca buku ini, sudah sekitar 1/5nya, tapi terus gak diselesaikan. Begitu dikasih challenge, mau coba...
Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Pre-challenge KIMI
2020 yaitu nyeritain pengalaman ngulik album Mantra2 by Kunto Aji.
Sebagai orang yg gampang baper denger lagu liriknya dimasukin hati,
emosi juga diaduk2 dengerin album ini. Berasa ditampar, dipukpuk trus
dipeluk kenceng2....
Semua lagunya sih relate bgt sama aku, ya
Monday, 14 January 2019
Bye bye hypothetical baby
Maybe it's the fact that I am doing a netnographic research of Facebook groups on breastfeeding/child-rearing which discusses about breastfeeding and babies/young children in general, seeing my own kids grow up and be school-age children kinda made me miss the good ol' baby days. Then looking at feeds of people having babies gave me "baby fever", making me want to have (another) one of my own. Like,...
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